Cancer is curable
Some day, because of people like us, cancer will be curable in a way that is safe, comfortable, inexpensive, and complete.
We have the same mission
Defeating cancer does not have to be a difficult task. Simply by applying the latest advanced technologies to the screening of modified cell therapies the community can discover constructs that destroy solid tumors.
CAR-T may cure cancer
The immune system is already evolved to remove cancer. It's just suppressed in some solid tumor micro-environments. Together we can engineer T-cells to work well in these environments.
Watch the webinar »Improving T-cells is simple
We can start by simply improving the way prototype modified T-cells are screened.
Increase diversity
Improved laboratory and statistical methodologies may empower us to screen a super-exponential diversity of constructs.
Improve tumor modelling
Expand diversity of tumor micro-environment attributes included in screens.
Improve safety modelling
Include models of adverse systemic responses in selection assays.
Improve screening methods
Use advanced statistical methodologies to obtain sufficient signal to determine which constructs have performed well.
Exciting synergy of expertise
Combine your areas of expertise with ours, add coffee and whiteboards, and what do you get?
Very plausibly some new and exciting ways to pursue some of your most significant interests and to translate those into benefit to patients.
People fund great ideas with great plans and that's what we'll build together.
Mathematics and Statistics
By modelling innovative experimental scenarios we can both determine whether to explore them as well as develop inference methods for them.
Computer Science
We can handle the scale and complexity of modelling, data acquisition, and processing entailed in the next-generation of cell therapy strategies.
Molecular Genetics
The design and engineering of novel molecular genetics methods is both a creative art and an engineering endeavor.

We work with you
We work with you to understand your goals, plan in terms of your objectives, and keep you updated as often as you need.
schedule a chat View the webinarSingle-cell RNA-Seq
Schedule a chat to discuss analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data.
Request data processingInformatics Strategy
Let us know your secret awesome side project ideas and we'll design for funding.
Request project plan funCAR T-Cell Informatics
Request design and analysis of custom CAR T engineering study.
Request data processingTogether we start with proposals and grants
Our creative ideas will translate into precise plans that can be used for internal or external decision-making.
Goals and Metrics
One of the most important elements is knowing and precisely instrumenting your values and objectives.
Innovative Ideas
Together, we develop innovative ideas that will plausibly deliver on these goals.
Timeline and Strategy
Ideas are translated into definitive science and engineering strategy including definitive timelines.
We can easily design a budget that correctly predicts the cost of our side of the project including both person compensation and engineering resources.
Following a clear timeline
For a project designed to span N months
In the first week, we meet and you explain your values, goals, challenges, and areas of interest.
Example: Compare microarray and tiered exome capture + log re-normalization to prevent NGS bias, increase assay power permitting screening of ultra-diverse populations.
In the second week, we design a plan with clearly measurable goals, timeline, and budget.
Example: Propose how to adapt existing assay statistical paradigm, e.g. using Monte Carlo methods. Propose timeline for prototype evaluation vs. analysis of experimental data using this methodology.
In the next two weeks, validate utility hypothesis using in silico modelling.
Example: Monte Carlo simulation of selection assay to validate expectations about improvements in statistical power.
Initial experimentation
Over subsequent weeks, obtain planned experimental data.
Example: Using a previously-constructed high-diversity T-cell population, perform selection and microarray vs. tiered exome capture methods followed by NGS in the latter case.
Re-usability and preparation
In parallel, implement means for subsequent work to be re-usable and robust (analysis, figures, docs); prepare for analysis of experimental data.
Example: Microarray and exome capture comparison analysis pipelines and figure generation refined (e.g. thoroughly tested and documented) for future re-usability.
Initial analysis
Data is transferred to secure, HIPAA-compliant cloud environment by customer; IMNTY researchers perform analysis previously validated on simulation.
Example: Raw microarray and NGS data together with sufficient file manifest is transferred to a Google Cloud Storage bucket; statistical comparisons are made across assay conditions and hits passing threshold are identified. Perhaps there is the observation of excessive saturation of lower capture tiers.
Methodological refinement
If relevant, obtain second round of experimental data, informed by initial data analysis.
Example: Improve tiered exome capture strategy given observation of excessive saturation of lower capture tiers.
Secondary analysis
Repeat original analysis with new data and possibly with statistical methodological improvements obtained in the interim.
Example: Perform statistical tests with new data to identify hits with the benefit of improved statistical models based on more extensive Monte Carlo modelling (re-parameterized given observations of initial experimental data).
Translate already thoroughly reproducible and well-documented methods and analyses into a formal manuscript or internal communication.
Example: Collect figures and methods descriptions of microarray vs. tiered exome strategy; discuss observed utility and opportunities to build upon for the future.
Innovating from the heart
By sharing the intention to benefit cancer patients, we can invent the solutions that are truly needed.
Innovation + Design comprises about two weeks of the process followed closely by validation of utility hypotheses using in silico modelling.
Experimentation, analysis, and refinement comprises the majority of the project, from weeks to months depending on the allotted time and other budget.
Communication is the final phase of the project and is carefully planned for throughout to ensure re-usability and thoroughness of documentation.
Thorough project plans
Everyone can rest easy knowing all project expectations are specified clearly in the project plan / working document. Then we'll continuously track these throughout the project. Ensuring we deliver on everything that matters.
schedule a chat watch the webinar
Let's build the future of CAR-T
Pre-meet with us by skimming the webinar.

Feasible pricing by audience
Your mission is our mission. We price to maximally attain this mission. If your organization trades income for openness we can find a way to work together. Even if you have the budget of an enterprise leveraging global markets we will work to respect your resources just the same.
Consultations and Pro-Bono (e.g. University/Non-profit)
$0We have the same mission. We want to hear about your goals and interests and find a way to help - regardless of your budget. And likely identify opportunities to innovate together.
Schedule a ChatProject strategy preparation
$2.5kSeeing an opportunity to innovate together you can hire us to prepare a thorough project plan, as described above. The plan will be refined with your feedback and extended with in silico modelling. Weekly rate for weeks 1 - 2.
University and Non-Profit clients may be eligible for reduced rates.
Monthly Retainer
$10kOur contracts are quarterly, prepaid on a monthly basis. You retain control to either terminate or extend the project such as to pivot to pursue rapidly emerging opportunities identified in the course of the work.
Schedule a ChatRates are estimations for a project of generic / standard complexity and subject to change without warning unless specifically contracted. Actual rates will vary depending on budgeted resource requirements, most notably cloud computing resources but also any customer-requested additions to personnel. University and Non-Profit clients are eligible for as much fee reduction as is feasible up to our discretion.
A wild toolbox of mathematics and statistics
We are masters of the art of identifying opportunities to solve customer problems with mathematical and statistical tools.
Re-sampling methods
Bootstrap and other re-sampling methods are often overlooked but powerful methods for assessing the confidence of a method of structure learning or statistical inference. If relevant, we can tailor these methods to your problem.
Image and video processing
A core part of our wheelhouse includes various methods for the analysis of images and video such as derived from various forms of microscopy, flow cytometry, or other high-resolution or high-throughput imaging.
Advanced clustering methods
Misconceptions exist about the suite of publicly-available clustering algorithms; we can support correct application of these as well as build upon this with measures of repeatability or further with bespoke algorithms tailored to your domain.
Statistical process modelling
We can design custom tailored Monte Carlo approximations allowing you to predict outcomes or perform inference when no closed-form statistical model is truly available (such as for most complex molecular genetic experiments).
Rapid prototyping
We have the tools and experience to prototype innovative methods quickly, giving you answers about usefulness before committing.
Schedule a chat to discuss >>Accelerated implementations
Our development process supports rapid translation of prototype methods into (sometimes vastly) accelerated forms using GPUs and FPGAs.
Schedule a chat to discuss >>
We share your mission
Some day, because of people like us, cancer will be curable in a way that is safe, comfortable, inexpensive, and complete.